Silicon Valley Virtual Reality
I met Karl Krantz (founder) at the first official SVVR meetup. At the time I was just a budding enthusiast in the Virtual Reality movement so I brought my camera and just set it up at the back of the room. I ended up helping spearhead the organization’s video marketing for the next three years.

1st Annual SVVR Conference & Expo
After nearly a year of recording the monthly get togethers, Karl was ready to launch the first annual SVVR Conference and Exposition. I scoured the hours of video footage and put together a 90 second sizzle real to advertise the event. The trailer really brought the movement into focus. I had created a mini-documentary summarizing the energy, passion and purpose of the meetup organization and the bigger forces winding up.
Looking back now, finding the perfect sound bite to cap the trailer was like plucking a golden needle from the haystack. In the founder’s own words we gave the piece the perfect cherry on top, to this day it feels like a moment of copywriting genius.